Month: February 2015

This week — Israel and the U.S.

After the address that ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu delivered this week to the U.S. Congress, the echoes play out… The impact of “the invitation” and “the speech” continues to deliver fallout, deteriorating communication between the Speaker of the House and Administration, and a widening rift in strategic relations between the U.S. President and Israeli Prime Minister

Strobe v Vladimir

What is the president of the Brookings Institute’s thinking for an “endgame”? The recent escalation of the Ukrainian conflict has been accompanied by an escalation at Brookings with its positions urging greater US military involvement. In a series of strongly worded statements directed toward Vladimir Putin, Strobe Talbott takes hard lines and pushes for “lethal […]

The Edge

Today’s Munich Security Conference has Europe on edge – as it should be. The name of the Ukraine derives from Ukraina (оукраина) the “borderland”, from the Proto-Slavic krajь, meaning the “edge”, and the internal war in Ukraine threatens to become the edge of a wider war – a Cold War 2.0